HAITI CHÉRIE: la perle des Antilles

TRACKLIST: coming soon…

12 Comments on “HAITI CHÉRIE: la perle des Antilles”

  1. oh la la ta version du maripoli est geniale !

  2. Maylis says:

    Génial, met nous en plain les oreilles!!

  3. Chad says:

    I don’t know who sings on the penultimate track (53:21), but I need to hear more of his records.

  4. jean-luc says:

    From 5:15 is that Les Covington? Do you know how many albums they have?
    What’s the name of the band after Les Dificilles around the 40:45 mark?
    And the band the song after (46:00)?


  5. Sp says:

    This mix isn’t showing up anymore. Is it just me??

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